The JCPoA agreement, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, was a landmark nuclear deal reached between Iran, the United States, and several other world powers in 2015. The agreement aimed to curb Iran`s nuclear program in exchange for lifting international sanctions against the country.

Under the terms of the JCPoA agreement, Iran agreed to limit its production of enriched uranium and reduce its number of centrifuges, the machines used to enrich uranium. Iran also agreed to allow international inspectors to monitor its nuclear facilities to ensure compliance with the agreement.

In exchange, the United States and other world powers agreed to lift economic sanctions against Iran that had been in place for years. The lifting of sanctions allowed Iran to participate in the global economy and access billions of dollars in frozen assets.

The JCPoA agreement was seen as a major diplomatic achievement at the time, but it was also controversial. Critics argued that the deal did not go far enough to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and that it gave Iran too much financial relief without sufficient guarantees of compliance.

The Trump administration withdrew from the JCPoA agreement in 2018, citing concerns about Iran`s continued nuclear ambitions and alleged violations of the agreement. The move was widely criticized by other signatories to the deal, including European countries, Russia, and China.

Since the U.S. withdrawal, Iran has gradually resumed its nuclear activities and has been gradually reducing its compliance with the JCPoA agreement. The other signatories to the deal have been working to salvage the agreement, but tensions between Iran and the United States have remained high.

In conclusion, the JCPoA agreement was a major diplomatic achievement that aimed to curb Iran`s nuclear program in exchange for lifting international sanctions against the country. However, the deal has been controversial and has faced criticism from both supporters and opponents. The U.S. withdrawal from the deal in 2018 has further complicated the situation, and the future of the agreement remains uncertain.